Monday, March 2, 2015

Jessica's Seventy Second Email! March 1st, 2015

SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED THIS WEEK! Happy Birthday Dad!!! So fun you saw Mary in Canada. Small world! 

Remember when we used to drive to Camarillo and see the people in the strawberry fields and we felt so bad for them??!!! Whadup to livin that harvesting life! This morning we went to a recent converts rice field and helped them harvest! Always an adventure. I cut my pinky finger hahah. It's all good now but the nanay was scared when she saw the blood! They are so nice though and made us breakfast and the whole deal! 

So last Monday after we P-dayed in Naga we went to the mission home. It was fun to see all the missionaries going home! So sad! I know like nobody here these days! I got to see Sister Coons (my batch/homegirl) and say bye to her and the others! Then I went with my temporary companions for the night, Sister Remalano (my kabahay in Daet) and Sister Marzan. We stayed in Canaman for the night. We decided to stop for dinner on our way home so it would be quick cause it was late-ish and we still had to do our studies. Yaaaa, well our quick dinner took an hour from the time we ordered to the time we got it! But it was The White Bean, my favorite place, so we made the best of it! 

Oh my! Monday afternoon though! We were in SM and we saw these white guys so we decided to OYM to them! Craziest OYM and a good one to end our companionship on haha. They were professional wakeboarders from Holland. We talked to them, explained our purpose and everything, and asked if we could send missionaries to see them in Holland. They ignored us and then kept talking and we said it was Sister Salima's last day so they asked if that day was the big final party. We told them we don't party... thought it was pretty obvious since we told them moments before that we were representatives of Jesus Christ. They said it was too bad so we decided to wrap things up. Asked again if they would want the missionaries to visit when they got home. He said the only way he would hear our message about God was if we went to the party with them on Friday night. SO RUDE. haha some people just really don't understand why we are here and what our purpose is... no matter how clearly you tell them! 

Tuesday we had to go get my X-ray and some other things. When we stopped by the mission office the AP's told me to come early to the transfer announcements cause they needed to talk to me. Transfer announcements are scary enough and that super added to the stress! But then we went for lunch at SM and there were so many missionaries and it was so fun! It was my last transfer announcement seeing all the missionaries and everything so I was just living it up. Was so happy to see everyone and catch up! Gonna miss the mission life! 

So we headed back early and I went in to talk with the AP's. They told me that since the number of missionaries is getting smaller, there will be no STL's here in Pamplona next transfer. They will go down to only 4 sets of STL's. So they said I would be getting a junior companion, and would be a solo STL. So before Sister Salima and I were the STL's over Pamplona and part of Naga zone. Now it's just me which means we will be soooo busy! We have to do exchanges double as much so I can work with each sister. It's a little stressful, but I'm excited for how busy we will be! Nothing like working to death! 

So then we went to transfer announcements where I saw all of my companions who are still in the field! Sister Ril, Deyro, and Araja! Got some pics! Love them all! Fun reunion! Then I was the chorister at the announcement. Really don't know how and I told one of the AP's, but the communication didn't make it to the elder conducting so yes... I was conducting. Turns out the opening song only had 2 verses... hahahhaha. I started on a third verse before I realized the piano stopped and President whispered "Sister Richmond, the song is over" haha. Awful. But funny. Then for the closing song I was trying to get everyone around me to lead and nobody would!! So there I went walking up to lead and President was sure to let me know how many verses this song had then stood up to give me a quick demo on how to do the hand motion hahah I love President. Everyone was just laughing and then disaster struck. We sang verse 1 and then 3 and nobody noticed that we skipped 2 cause I never actually sing, I just fake it. So I was going with the flow and then President stopped the singing and told everyone we would sing it again cause we don't even know the Naga mission song haha. But he was so nice about it and we all got a good laugh. He assured me it wasn't my fault that the order was wrong, but we all know it was! Anyway, I think I have now been recognized as not knowing how to lead and won't have to do that ever again! The whole rest of the afternoon when either of the AP's saw me they would just start conducting hahah. I'm gonna get bullied again tomorrow at MLC with them! 

Hmm what else. Sorry, this is all over the place! Oh the couple missionaries, the Hoopes, came to our district meeting! So fun and they made cookies! They also took us to the little eatery down the street! We were all impressed they ate the beef soup thing there! They're awesome! We also got our zone calendar at District Meeting and on April 8 it says "Paalam Sister Richmond" ahhh that means bye! It was so weird to see and makes it all feel more real now! Time is crazy and I'm excited to give these 5 weeks all I've got! 

In honor of the Don awaiting his call, just wanna share a funny thing from a talk Grandma included in this month's BFF club newsletter. It's a talk by Randall L. Ridd and this is the quote I love, "Many times we have the attitude of 'I'll go where you want me to go and do what you want me to do dear Lord- as long as it's where I want to go and what I want to do." I think it's safe to say the Philippines was the LAST place I would have picked to come. My heart was pretty set on the Salt Lake visitor's center, but this is where the Lord wanted me to come and I will be eternally grateful! He really knows so much better than we do! So sometimes we just gotta suck it up and do what He wants! Brandon, you will be great wherever you go! I may have included you coming to Naga in my fast though, not sure if that's really allowed! hahah I love you all! I love this gospel! I love this work and I love the Lord! I am happy. I know we all can be happy when we follow God's plan for us! We have so many awesome investigators and they are ready!!! 8 of them came to church yesterday!!! 8!!!! That just doesn't happen. The Lord is blessing us more than I could have imagined!!!! Have a good week! 

Sister Richmond

Top 10
1. New companion- Sister GISALA!!! Sister Salima was her trainer! She's so sweet
2. Brandon's papers are in
3. Emi is out in the field! 
4. Harvested rice this morning
5. MLC tomorrow
6. My last transfer announcement
7. Mom and Dad saw Mary!
8. 15 investigators on date for baptism
9. 8 investigators at church
10. I'm just really happy 

When your dinner takes an hour you get kinda bored hahah 

The White Bean... never gets old 

All my comps still in the field! 

The only 2 from our MTC district left in Naga mission :( 

Lance (cutie in the middle) bought me and Alona rings! 
He is sooo sweet! 

Empty bus... party! 

All our mouse trap caught us was a bunch of lizards!!!! 
Tails ripped off and all! 

Vanessa and her 4 day old baby!

 This is the LIFE

My sweet companion made this for Dad!!!

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